Annalisa Verza (University of Bologna)
In 1377, at a moment of intellectual retreat from the burdens of political life, in a world marked by deep crisis and instability, Ibn Khaldun, historian and proto-sociologist, wrote the massive seven-volume history called Kitab al’ibar (book of lessons from history). Even if this work sought to revolutionize the structure and style of historical inquiry itself, and consequently also its function, it took a long time for it to emerge out of the shadows, even in the Islamic world itself. The working hypothesis in this essay is that its huge and innovative effort must have come in direct response to a deeply felt need to make intelligible the apparently chaotic world of his time.
Attachment (txt, pdf, docx, doc, rtf):
Annalisa_Verra_la_stabilizzazione_(Isonomia Storica_giugno_2017)