Francesco Toto (Univesrità di Roma Tre)
This article aims to shed light upon the relation between the rational and imaginary meanings of justice in Hobbes. I first clarify the rational meaning of the notion of justice, which is understood either as compliance with the natural law in general, and with pacts in particular, or else as compliance with the civil law. I explain the reasons why, according to Hobbes’ account of science, compliance with natural law and pacts must be reduced to compliance with the civil law. Then I point out some passages that seem to reintroduce a transcendental account of justice, that is, an account of justice understood as moral virtue, in opposition to an account of justice as mere legality. Finally, I investigate under which conditions these passages can be hold as coherent with the core of Hobbes’ overall theory.
Attachment (txt, pdf, docx, doc, rtf):
Francesco Toto, Concezione razionale e concezioni immaginarie della giustizia in Thomas Hobbes (1)