a cura di Pierluigi Graziani (Università di Chieti-Pescara), Giorgio Grimaldi (Università di Chieti-Pescara), Massimo Sangoi (Università degli Studi di Urbino)
The concept of rationality is here envisaged through historico-philosophical, cognitive, logico-mathematical and sociological analysis, by addressing the limits and possibilities of human reasoning. The authors investigate how the concept of rationality has been declined in different historical periods and tackle the boundaries of rationality itself by drawing attention to the “irrational” dynamics at play in several contexts, thereby highlighting some relevant issues in the domains of ethics, politics, economy, aesthetics, etc. The reader is thus leaded into a reflection on the category of rationality which brings out its statute and workings, while being provided with conceptual tools coming from philosophy, logic, economics, law and cognitive sciences to strengthen her critical reading of situations at different levels of social interaction.
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Animali razionali. Studi sui confini e sulle possibilità della razionalità